Jen Grima Photography | Lehigh Valley PA Family Photographer

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Documenting What Matters: Kids Were Here | Lehigh Valley, PA

Parents all know the struggle - the toys, clothes, and stuffed animals are everywhere. While you’re cleaning up one part of the house, they’re making a mess in another. Requests to clean up said messes are often met with whines and groans.

Some days, we pick and choose our battles. Many times I’ve made the decision to let it go and ignore it. Just as often, I’ve yelled or let out many, very loud, exasperated sighs. But one day last week, after my kids had gone to school, I did something that I don’t normally do - I stopped, looked around, and took it all in. And then I went and got my camera.

In that moment, it hit me that this is all temporary. As my girls start to get older, My Little Ponies will be replaced by makeup. The crayons will be put on a shelf. A few stuffed animals that they have sentimental attachment to may remain, but they, too, will mostly be gone. And the clothes on the floor - well, ok, those will still be there.

But my point is, our home, the way we currently see it everyday, will be very different in just a short amount of time. And that time will go by before we know it. So I decided to walk through the house, and document our house as it is right now, in this time in our lives. Undeniable proof that, yes - kids were here.

Next time you’re fed up with the mess, I extend to you this challenge - photograph it. I know you’ve got your phone in your pocket, so take a few shots of those little details. You won’t regret it.